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Davinci User Manual
This page contains the table of contents for the
user manual
1. Introduction
1.1. What is Davinci for?
1.2. Davinci features
2. Getting Started
2.1. Installing Davinci
2.2. Launching Davinci
2.3. Launching console version of Davinci
2.4. Updating Davinci
2.5. Uninstalling Davinci
3. How to Use
3.1. Davinci user interface
3.1.1. Main window
3.1.2. Sidebar
3.1.3. Toolbar
3.2. Data processing workflow
3.2.1. Open files
3.2.2. Input Text tab
3.2.3. Extracted Tables tab
3.2.4. Visualized Plots tab
3.2.5. Output Table tab
3.2.6. Output formats