Davinci Version History

Here you can find the changelog for the Davinci releases.

Version 1.0.7 (19 Aug 2018)

  • Adds progress bar to give an indication of how long the data processing is going to take
  • Adds more multi-threading features in order to spead up the data processing
  • Fixes an issue with ShelX output format in the console version of the program
  • Fixes multiple other issues

Version 1.0.6 (09 Jul 2018)

  • Adds reading of Psi angle from the NICOS instrument data collection files (Issue #5)
  • Adds UMWEG output for the calculation of multiple-diffraction patterns
  • Adds some multi-threading features in order to spead up the data treatment

Version 1.0.5 (30 May 2018)

  • Adds calculation of the direction cosines (Issue #3)
  • Adds reading of Psi angle from the HEiDi instrument data collection files
  • Adds natural sort order and sort by date and time to the table widgets
  • Adds ShelX output with real (non-integer) Miller indices hkl
  • Fixes calculation of the Phi angle in the 4-circle geometry
  • Fixes an issue with Tbar/D9 output (theta + temperature, psi, fwhm)
  • Fixes some minor issues

Version 1.0.4 (28 Mar 2018)

  • Adds support of the new input format for POLI: polarized NICOS data with adet
  • Adds user manual and report issue links to the Help menu
  • Adds a program icon and desktop file for the Linux version

Version 1.0.3 (13 Mar 2018)

  • Fixes issue #2, Not reading new files with Oxford magnet on POLI

Version 1.0.2 (27 Jan 2018)

  • Fixes a bug with the update function of the installer parogram

Version 1.0.1 (11 Jan 2018)

  • Adds support of the new input format: HEiDi at MLZ instrument log data
  • Fixes an issue with automatic determination of the peak and background parameters
  • Fixes a bug with cursor position change in the input data viewer when go through the scans
  • Fixes a crash when open a new file
  • Fixes a sidebar issue with the tabs width

Version 1.0.0 (09 Dec 2017)

  • First release